YouTuber "Rätt Rätt" brings you the right kind of food

Having lived as an expat in South Korea for over six years, I often miss the kind of Swedish food from back home that you cannot find abroad. Be it the fermented herring "surströmming" (which has been banned on airplanes due to the risk of the cans of fermented herring exploding in mid-air from the built-up gas pressure), or Kalles Kaviar (a sandwich topping made from salted cod roe, spices, sugar and oil) or Janssons Frestelse (a casserole made mainly from potatoes and fish), Swedish food is sorely missed particularly during Christmas, which is the time of the year that Swedes living abroad miss home the most.

Except for Skyping with the family back home, the only consolation I have managed to find is watching Swedish food YouTubers. In my view, there are two big ones in Sweden, namely "Rätt Rätt" by Amir Kheirmand and "Matgeek" by Johan Hedberg. In "Rätt Rätt", the viewers get videos about cooking tips, recipes, good utensils to use, Black Friday purchase tips, Christmas gift competitions (what a paradox that this post is part of one!) and grocery blind test. Amir manages to deliver comedy while at the same time providing useful information for anyone who likes cooking or loves to eat (that makes approx. all of us!)

To check it out, click and smash that Subscribe-button immediately! Also check out one of the most recent videos about the Christmas competitions at